What actually is sugar-free?

Top Of The Week

How much natural sugar a day is ok?

Adults should not consume more than 30 g of free sugars per day (approximately the equivalent of 7 sugar cubes). Children ...

What is the safest and healthiest sugar substitute?

Stevia is a very popular low calorie sweetener. Erythritol is another low-calorie sweetener.

Is zero sugar worse than real sugar?

These sweeteners don't contain calories or sugar, but they also don't have beneficial nutrients such as vitamins, fiber,...

What health conditions does sugar contribute to?

Americans eat and drink too many added sugars, which can contribute to health problems such as weight gain and obesity,...

Is sugar or zero sugar better?

However, eating any particular type of added sugar has no health advantage. Eating too much added sugar, even natural...

How much sugar is ok for type 2 diabetes?

Do not exceed the maximum number of calories per day: 2,000 calories per day for women and 2,500 calories per day for...

Recent Posts

Does sugar affect freezing time?

Does sugar affect freezing time?

The two most common ingredients in the kitchen that affect the freezing point are salt and sugar. Sugar lowers the...


What sugar is sugar-free?

What sugar is sugar-free?

Is zero sugar free healthy?

Is zero sugar free healthy?

Top Of The Month

Can you live on a sugar free diet?

Recent Post

What is better no added sugar or sugar-free?

But just because a product says it contains sugar doesn't mean it's good for you. For example, a sugary breakfast cereal...

Is there a safe healthy sugar substitute?

Sugar alcohols are another class of sweeteners that can be used as a substitute for sugar. Examples include mannitol,...

What sugar is healthier than brown sugar?

Brown sugars may be better than white sugar for baking recipes that require a richer flavor or a wetter, chewier texture. ...

What happens if you dont eat sugar for months?

If you stop eating sugar, you'll dramatically decrease your risk of heart disease, as excess sugar in your diet increases ...

Can you have wine on a no sugar diet?

A dry red wine is the best choice for a low-sugar or sugar-free diet. Plus, it's easier to keep up with your path to...

Does no added sugar mean sugar-free?

According to the FDA, when manufacturers claim that a food “has no added sugars,” it cannot be processed with any...

Is sugar-free safe for non diabetics?

If you are not diabetic and want to switch to a healthy sweetener, it is recommended that you first switch to natural...

Is zero sugar actually sugar free?

Yes, they don't contain table sugar (sucralose) and usually have zero calories, but that's where the problems start....

Editors Picks

Are zero sugar drinks ok for you?

Are zero sugar drinks ok for you?

Sugar-free carbonated beverages, such as diet soda and sugar-free flavored sparkling water, can cause problems that range ...

Why use raw sugar instead of white?

Why use raw sugar instead of white?

Raw and unrefined sugars have the same sweetness as table sugar, but offer a more complex flavor. Raw sugars, such as...

What can i substitute for sugar when making ice cream?

What can i substitute for sugar when making ice cream?

In general, erythritol is ideal for formulating ice cream with a reduced sugar and calorie content, since it reduces...

Does cutting out sugar improve mood?

Does cutting out sugar improve mood?

Eating too much processed sugar can lead to mood disorders and other chronic conditions such as diabetes. Conversely, a...

Can i replace white sugar with brown sugar?

Can i replace white sugar with brown sugar?

In most baking recipes, you can substitute brown sugar for white sugar in a one-to-one ratio. So if your recipe calls for ...

What is the least harmful sugar?

What is the least harmful sugar?

Stevia is a natural calorie-free sweetener that can help lower both blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Erythritol is...